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NECK, THE (Háls): in the Limfirth in Denmark, the scene of the battle where K. Harald Greycloak and Arinbiorn the Hersir lost their lives 165; 200. 251, 286
NESSES, THE (Nes): 184; 209–10; 215. 308
NíÐ: see Scorn
NIDOYCE (Niðaróss): 256
NIORD (Njörðr): the God 124; 198
NJAL (Njáll): xvii, xxx. 249, 265, 282
NONES: 300
NORMANDY (Normandi): 6
NORN: 257, 274
NORTHMERE (Norðmærr): separated from Southmere by Raumsdale 3; see also Mere
NORTHUMBERLAND (Norðimbraland): 99; 100; 103; ruled by K. Eric Blood-axe 134, 179, 270
NORTHWATER (Norðrá): Icel., an important tributary of the Hvítá (Whitewater) 56; 57
NORWAY (Nóregr): 3; 25; 34; 50; 58; 64; 66–8; 74; 93; 96–8; 113; 115–7; 125–6; 134–5; 140; 14778; 159–60; 166–7; 176–7; 181; 183; 193; 200. Also Int. and Notes passim
NOVEL: modern, xxx–xxxi
ODAL (óðul): xviii. 258
ODD ARNGEIRSON (Oddr Árngeirsson): 245
ODD-A-TONGUE (Tungu-Oddr): s. of Onund Broadbeard; 56; 203; helps Steinar in his suits against Thorstein Egilson 209–11; his misgivings at the leaving of the award to Egil 212; 213; Egil’s saying on him 214; is lord in Burgfirth south of Whitewater, and temple-priest 219, 269, 306
ODD LIVE-ALONE (einbúi): a follower of Skallagrim 47; 57
ODIN (Óðinn): 45; 115 (‘Lord of Strife’); 124; 129 (‘Bor’s Son’); 141; 142; 144; 175 (‘Din-God’); 189; 191 (‘War-God’); 193 (various by-names); 196 (by-names); 197; 201; 204 (by-name), xxiii, xxiv. 244, 245, 275, 294, 300, 302
OFEIG GRETTIR (Ófeigr grettir): 44
OGMUND (Ögmundr): f. of Kormak the Skald 204
OGVALDSNESS (Ögvaldsnes): Norw. 68
OLAF FEILAN (Ólafr feilan): 58; 203. 306
OLAF THE HOLY (helgi): King of Norway 264, 265, 277
OLAF: s. of K. Harald Hairfair; taken for king in the Wick on his f.’s death, but felled by his brother Eric at Tunsberg 125
OLAF THE PEACOCK (pái): of the Laxdæla Saga; s. of Hauskuld and the Irish princess Melkorka, weds Thorgerd, Egil’s d. 186. 253, 271, 284, 298, 299
OLAF THE QUIET (kyrri): King of Norway 78. 259, 273
OLAF THE RED (rauði): the Scots-King 99; harries Northumberland and overthrows its earls 100; K. Athelstane hazels him a field on Winaheath 101; his treating with A. by whom he is outwitted 102–4; sends forward Hring and Adils 105; 106; hears that both are fallen 107; at the second day’s battle on Winaheath 108; defeated and slain 109; no; 134
OLAF TREESHAVER (trételgja): king; first won Vermland 166
OLAF TRYGGVISON (Tryggvason): King of Norway; grandson of K. Harald Hairfair 223. 251–2, 254, 256, 276–7, 311
OLAF THE WHITE (hvíti): Norse king of Dublin 270, 298
OLEIF HJALTI (Óleifr hjalti): settles in Iceland and dwells at Varmalech 57–8; 74; 76
OLFUS (Ölfus): in S.W. of Icel. 185; 186
OLIVER HNUFA (Ölvir hnúfa): second s. of Berdla-Kari, a messmate of Thorolf Kveldulfson 1; loves Solveig, but her f., Earl Atli, will not give her to him; leaves harrying to compose songs to his lady 2; her brethren would slay him; he flees and becomes K. Harald Hairfair’s skald 5; keeps the peace between Kveldulf and the K. 7; his place at the K.’s table; with his f., brings Thorolf Kveldulfson to the Κ.; his friendship with Th. and Bard Bryniolfson 12; in the stem of the K.’s ship at Hafrsfirth 14; suspects the treason of Hildirid’s sons; persuades the K. to see Thorgils the Yeller and the scat brought by him from Thorolf 24; tells Thorolf of the slanders and tries to mend matters with the Κ., but without success 27; at the burning of Sandness, acts as ambassador between the K. and Thorolf 39; the K. charges him and Eyvind to look to Th’s burial and other matters 40; this done, they follow the K. to Thrandheim; asks the K.’s leave to go home as he and E. cannot bear to sit with men who bare weapons against Th., but is refused 41; the K. will not let him go because of his skaldship 42; urges the K. to pay boot for Th.’s slaying; tells Kveldulf of all that befell at Sandness 45; at last prevails on Skallagrim to go to the K. and ask for boot 46; welcomes Sk., brings him to the Κ., and pleads his cause 47; when things take a bad turn, hurries Sk. away and, by breaking up the ships, saves his life 48. 252–3
OLIVER: a housecarle and overseer of Thorir the Hersir’s, goes with twelve men to get in Th.’s rents and takes Egil with him 80; comes to Atley and is entertained by Bard in an outhouse 81; sent for by K. Eric to the feast of the Goddesses; sits by Egil, who drinks for him when he comes to the end of his powers 82; led out by E.; Bard will have him drink his parting-health; when B. is slain, falls spewing and is found lying senseless in a pool of blood 83–4; brings home to Thorir’s the tidings of B.’s slaying and E.’s flight 85
OLVALD (Ölvaldr): a thingman of Thorstein Egilson’s 215–6
OLVALDSTEAD (Ölvaldsstaðir): Icel. 215
ONUND SJONI (Önundr sjóni): s. of Ani of Anisbrent 56; an old friend and follower of Egil; with E. on his last voyage to Norway 160; but by mischance does not go to Vermland 168; in his old age hands over his house to his s. Steinar 204; his attitude in the quarrel between St. and Thorstein Egilson; leaves the award to E. 211–2; 213; his anger at the result 214; concerned in the onslaught on Th. at Longholt 216
ONUND: see Bergonund
ORKNEYS (Orkneyjar): 6; 64; 134; 135. 270
OSLOFIRTH (Óslóarfjörðr): Norw. 148; 166
OSTER (Ostr): Norw., a large island near Bergen, mod. Osterö 71
OSTERFIRTH (Ostrarfjörðr): between Oster and the mainland 47
OSVIF THE WISE (Ósvífr enn spaki): f. of Gudrun, the heroine of the Laxdæla Saga; brother of Einar Jingle-scale 199; 201
OTTER (Óttarr): s. of Biorn the Easterner 199
OTTO, Kaiser: 251
OUNCE: 260
OUTLAWRY: 279, 288
OUTSTONE (Útsteinn): Norw., mod. Utsten, a great house of K. Harald Hairfair’s 68
OZUR EYVINDSON (Özurr Eyvindarson): 186
OZUR TOTI (tóti): f. of Q. Gunnhild, and of Eyvind Braggart and Alf Ashman 71; 95. 271
PAGANISM: xvii, xxv, xxviii
PALNATOKI (Pálnatóki): captain of the Jomsburgers 277
POEMS: see Verse-form
POET: see Skald
POPULATION: of Iceland, xviii–xix
PRIEST (goði): xx–xxi
PROPER NAMES: treatment of, in English 241–2
RAGI: s. of Oleif Hjalti 58
RAGNAR (Ragnarr): s. of Duke Gutthorm 50
RAGNAR HAIRYBREEKS (loðbrók): King of the Danes 99. 279
RAGNARÖK: xxvi–xxviii
RAGNHILD (Ragnhildr): d. of K. Eric Bloodaxe 134
RAGNHILD: m. of K. Eric Bloodaxe 270, 271
RAGNHILD: d. of Duke Gutthorm 50
RAN (Rán): 190. 301
RANGRIVER (Rangá): two rivers in S. of Icel. 44
RANNVEIG: the name of (a) a daughter, and (b) a great-granddaughter, of Thord of Aurland 78
RAUD THE STRONG (Rauðr enn sterki): 276–7
RAUDSGILL (Rauðsgil): Icel. 74
RAUFARNESS (Raufarnes): mod. Rauðanes, S.W. of Burg 59
RAUMREALM (Raumaríki): in S.E. Norw., mod. Romerike 148
RED-BIORN’S SONS (Rauða-Bjarnarsynir): 202
REEKDALE (Reykjadalr): Icel., mod. Reykholtsdalur, famous as the countryside of Reykholt, the seat of Snorri Sturlason 74; 209. 272
REEKDALEWATER’S-OYCE (Reykjadalsáróss): Icel. 74
REEKHAMMER (Reykjarhamarr)
: in Burgfirth 187
REEKNESS (Reykjanes): the S.W. point of Icel. 54; 59. 268
REEKS (Reykir): Icel. 74
REPUBLIC: Icelandic; nature and origin of xviii–xxii. 268
REYKDÆLA SAGA: 249, 258, 260, 308
REYKHOLT: xxii. 272
RINGREALM (Hringaríki): mod. Ringerike, N. of Oslo 50
ROGALAND: Norw., the countryside about Stavanger, a favourite residence of K. Harald Hairfair 14; 68; 125; 162
ROGNVALD THE MERE-EARL (Rögnvaldr Mærajarl): set by K. Harald Hairfair over either Mere and Raumsdale; burns K. Vemund 5. 256, 257–8, 270
ROGNVALD: s. of K. Eric Bloodaxe, aet. 10 or 11, and “the fairest of hopeful young men” 125–6; 127; drowned by Egil in his painted caravel; E.’s stave upon this 130. 286
ROSMHVALNESS (Rosmhválanes): Icel. 184
RUNES: 275
SAEUNN (Sæunnr): d. of Skallagrim 60; weds Thorfinn the Strong 116
SAGA: xii; compared with other forms of art xxviii–xxxi; why native to Iceland xxxii–xxxiii; underlying spirit of xxxiii–xxxiv; translators of, compared 232–8; style the essence of 239; method of narration xxx, xxxi, xxxii, 292, 307
SALBIORG (Salbjörg): d. of Berdla-Kari, weds Kveldulf 1
SANDNESS (Sandnes): Norw., mod. Sandnaesøen, the seat of Sigurd, and later of Thorolf Kveldulfson 11; 13; 16–8; 26; 29; 31; 36; 38; 41–2; 45
SANDWICK (Sandvík): close to Burg 76
SAUDUNGSOUND (Sauðungssund): Norw., mod. Saudesund in the Sondfjord 122
SAXLAND: 98; 164
SCAT: 260, 262
SCORN, SCORN-POLE: 130–1. 249–50, 285
SCOTLAND (Skotland): 6; 99; 102; 104; 134–5
SCOTS (Skotar): 98–100; 107; tactics in battle 108; 134; K. Eric Bloodaxe their ‘scourge’ 143
SEAHAM (Sæheimr): Norw., a great house of K. Harald Hairfair’s, mod. Saeim 68
SELALON (Selalón): Icel. 55
SERK OF SOGN (Serkr ór Sogni): 78
SETTLEMENT: of Iceland, xviii–xx
SHAKESPEARE: xxxi. 239
SHAPE-STRONG: 245–7; 273, 288
SHEPPEY (Sauðey): Norw., a small isle near Atley, q.v. 84–5
SHETLAND (Hjaltland): 6; 64. 258, 270
SHIP: 254
SIGHVAT THE RED (Sighvatr rauði): 42
SIGMUNG (Sigmundr): a follower of Skallagrim 57
SIGMUNG BRESTISON (Brestason): xxiii
SIGMUNDSNESS (Sigmundarnes): Icel. 57
SIGMUNDSTEAD (Sigmundarstaðir): Icel. 57
SIGRID (Sigriðr): d. of Sigurd of Sandness 11; weds Bard Bryniolfson 13; and, by B.’s wish, after his death weds Thorolf Kveldulfson 15–6; at the burning of Sandness seeks, through Oliver and Eyvind, to bring about peace between the K. and Thorolf 39; 41; wedded the third time, to Eyvind Lambi 42
SIGTRYGG SHARPFARER (Sigtryggr snarfari): see Hallvard Hardfarer
SIGURD HART (Sigurðr hjörtr): f. of Ragnhild, the mother of K. Harald Hairfair 50
SIGURD: Earl of Hladir 250
SIGURD: Earl of the Orkneys 64. 270
SIGURD: s. of K. Harald Hairfair; taken for king in Thrandheim on his f.’s death, but felled by his brother Eric at Tunsberg 125
SIGURD: s. of Duke Gutthorm 50
SIGURD JERUSALEM-FARER (Jórsalafari): King of Norway 277
SIGURD SLEMBI-DEACON (slembidjákn): 277
SIGURD OF SANDNESS: father-in-law of Thorolf Kveldulfson 11; 13; 16–7
SIGVALDI: Earl; son of E. Strut-Harald of Skaney, and captain of the Jomsburg Vikings, mentioned in a stave by Einar Jingle-scale 201. 276, 305, 310–1
SINFIOTLI (Sinfjötli): 245
SKALD: 260
SKALDIC VERSE: see Verse-form
SKALD-HRAFN: see Hrafn
SKALLAGRIM (Skallagrímr): younger s. of Kveldulf, and f. of Egil 1; a ‘black man and an ugly,’ taking after his f. in looks and disposition, and a great workman and smith 2; refuses to be made K. Harald’s landed man, because “my father… shall be my over-man while he liveth” 7; 36; weds Bera, Yngvar’s d.; is bald at 25, and so named ‘Skallagrim’ (‘Bald Grim’) 37; comforts his f. after Thorolf’s fall, and counsels vengeance 45; persuaded by Oliver Hnufa to go and see the K. and ask boot for Th. 46; comes to the K. in Vors with eleven followers, liker to giants than to mortal men 47; his answer to the K.’s offer; Oliver hurries him out just in time 48; determines with his f. to go to Iceland; his dear friendship with Thorir the Hersir, his fosterbrother 49–50; his keenness of sight; with his f. waylays and slays Hallvard and Sigtrygg 51–2; his ditty on this; puts to sea 53; Kveldulf’s last message to him 54; comes to Burgfirth and sets up house at Burg; gives land to his followers and settles the countryside 55–6; his bent for work and his great estates 57; gives land to Oleif Hjalti; his lands and goods in Norway seized by the K. 58; gives land to Yngvar; his smithy, and an instance of his ‘shape-strength’ 59; his sons and daughters 60; says Egil must not go to the feast at Yngvar’s 61; 62; takes to Biorn and Thora Jewel-hand 65; his wrath against B. appeased by Thorolf 66; sends men to Norway to make peace for B. with Thorir the Hersir 67; fosters Asgerd, B. and Thora’s d. 68; 70; his treatment of the axe sent him by Eric Bloodaxe 72; unwillingly gives Thorolf leave to go abroad a second time: his forebodings; sends the axe back by Th. with a scornful stave 73; gives his d. Thorunn in marriage to Geir Ketilson; fond of ball-plays 74; 75; displeased at Egil’s slaying of Grim Heggson 75; at ball-play runs berserk, and slays Thord and Thorgerd Brak 76–7; 78; Thorolf tactfully brings a supposed gift from him to Eric 79; Q. Gunnhild’s saying on his sons 94; 95; becomes an old man; welcomes Egil home, but gets none of K. Athelstane’s silver 115–6; hands over the housekeeping to E. 131; his last talk with E., about money 132; hides his treasure in Krumm’s Well; found dead in his high-seat; precautions taken in giving him lyke-help; laid in howe at Digraness 133; the sword Dragvandil formerly his 146; Bodvar buried beside him many years later 187; his death mentioned in Sonatorrek 190; his lordship in Burgfirth recalled by Egil 213; the great and famous line that came from him 223. xix. 246, 261, 265, 273, 287
SKAPTI THORARINSON (Þórarinsson): the mass-priest, finds Egil’s bones 222
SKAPTI THORODDSON (Þóroddsson): Speaker of the Law 185. 299
SKARNSOUND (Skarnssund): Norw. 38. 265
SKARPHEDINN (Skarpheðinn): Njal’s Eldest Son XXIV, XXVII, XXX. 246, 263, 282
SKARTHS-HEATH (Skarðsheiði): 219. 268, 299
SKEGG-THORIR (Skeggþórir): in charge of K. Eric’s great house at herdla 126; 130
SKOGUL (Skögul): see Valkyries
SKORREY: Icel. 185
SKORRI: a thrall 185
SKRYMIR: Steinar’s sword 309
SKULI (Skúli): s. of Thorstein Egilson 204; 223. 310–1
SKYR: see Curds
SLAYING BARDI (Víga-BarðI): 186. 299
SLAYING SKUTA (Víga-Skúta): 249
SLAYING STIR (Víga-Styrr): 244–5, 267, 299
SNAEFELLSTRAND (Snæfellsströnd): Icel., the S. seaboard of the Snaefell peninsula 204; 206; 218. 307
SNORRI THE PRIEST (goði): XX, XXV. 245, 267, 268, 299, 308
SNORRI STURLASON (Sturluson): XXII. 236, 248, 251–2, 253, 272
SNOWLAND (Snæland): 258
SOGN: Norw., the country of the great Sogn Firth 7; 62; 68; 70; 78–95 95; 118; 150; 155; 157–8; 160; 183
SOGN-SEA (Sognsær): the mouth of the Sogn Firth 51; 64; 122
SÖL: see Dulse
SOLSKEL (Sólskel): Norw., an island on the seaboard of Northmere, the scene of a great sea-fight of K. Harald Hairfair’s 5
SOLUNDS, THE (Sólundir): Norw. 50. 267
SOLVEIG THE FAIR (Sólveig en fagra): d. of Earl Atli the Slender 2
SOLVI KLOFI (Sölvi klofi): s. of K. Hunthiof, raises a league against K. Harald Hairfair 3–4; escapes after the battle of Solskel and becomes a great viking 5
SONATORREK: 189–93. xxii, xxiii, xxiv. 300–2
SOUTH-ISLES (Suðreyjar): the Hebrides 6; 64
SOUTHMERE (Sunmærr): separated from Northmere by Raumsdale 3;5. See also Mere
STACKSMIRE (Staksmýrr): a rich pasture near Burg 205–6
STAD (Staðr): Norw., on the coast of Southmere, an exposed headland unprotected by the ‘skjærgaard’ 5
STAFFHOLT (Stafaholt): Icel., in Northwaterdale, the seat of Einar the Priest 209–10
STAFF-RIVER (Stafá): xx
STANGARHOLT: Icel., in Longwaterdale 56; 215
STAVE: see Verse-form
STEINAR (Steinarr): s. of Egil’s old shipmate, Onund Sjoni; a quarrelsome man and hard to deal with; grazes Thorstein Egilson’s land in his despite 204–7; his meeting with Thorstein after Thrand’s slaying 208; summons Thorstein to the Spring-Thing 209; has support of great men at the Thing 210; is persuaded against his judgement to leave the award to his father and Egil 211–2; Egil’s summing up against him 213–4; be moves house to Leirulech 214; sits for Thorstein beside Einkunnir 216; fights with Thorstein near Longholt, his son is slain 216–7; sits for Thorstein near Lambistead, and is thwarted by Lambi 217–8; goes to dwell at Ellidi on Snaefellstrand 218. 307, 309
STEINDOR (Steindórr): s. of Olaf the Peacock, 186
STEINGERD (Steingerðr): Kormak’s lady 307
STEINGRIM OF KROPP (Steingrímr frá Kroppi): 308
STEINSOUND (Steinssund): Norw. 123
STEINTHOR OF ERE (Steinþórr á Eyri): 308
STEM: 261
STEVENSON, R. L.: xxviii
STICKLESTEAD(Stiklastaðir): battle of 265
STIR: see Slaying Stir
STOFA: see Hall
STORD (Storð): Norw., mod. Stordö; see also Fitiar 194
STOROLF (Stórólfr): s. of Ketil Haeng 44. 245
STOROLFSFIELD (Stórólfsvöll): Icel. 44. 245
STREAMFIRTH (Straumfjörðr): Icel., N.W. of Alptaness, a small inlet 59